A Book

Lucia Suarez
3 min readMar 29, 2022

I do love it. I do enjoy it quite much. I believe I love and enjoy it the most out of the many things enlisted on my “things that make me feel something” list. You must think what an odd list that is for one to have but truly it is not, or at least I don’t believe it to be. I believe it to be one of my most brilliant discoveries, not that I have discovered much at all. You see this list allows me to pick whatever it is I desire to feel, let me elaborate. If it is Love I would like to feel, I’ll take the first thing on my list: A book. If it is clearance I want to have and feel, I’ll go to the next thing in line: A notebook, where I can write anything I desire to. If I want to cry or dance I’ll go to the third thing listed on my list: Music. It goes so on, a long list it is indeed. Now, as I was saying I do have my favorite one, or at least my current favorite one: A book, or many in that matter. How breathtaking it is to dive into a story of passion, mystery, of comedy, or whatever it is that I or you desire. A book allows me to discover so many things. It allows me to make acquaintance with so many new and different characters, many of which I have the privilege to learn so many different things about. One of the best parts about it, about books and reading, is the ending when one finally finishes the last sentence. That feeling is indescribable. It is overwhelming and a bit sad, but also one of the best things I have ever felt. Once a book is finished you are left with so much of it. You are left with experience, maturity, with growth, and knowledge. A book gifts you so much, it is truly a privilege to be able to read and enjoy so many stories. There is not enough time in the world to read each and every single book on every bookshelf. There is though, enough time to read at least a few of those.

Just imagine yourself at the beach, or forest, or wherever it is that you love, with a book. A book filled with pages of adventures and feelings and mystery and so much more. A book withholds so much in itself. It has so much inside of it and all one needs to do to discover it is simply open it, and read.

I could go on and on about the number one thing on my list, but I believe it to be enough, for now.

Dear reader, keep reading and tell me everything about the books you grow to love, or even hate because both are valid and much exciting. Tell me which book I should read and I will. Share with me whatever it is you wish to share, I will listen and I will be grateful.

And to whom does not read, grab a book, open it and bathe in it, you will thank me someday. And if not, at least It made you a bit smarter (hopefully).

